

I’m Ahmed Tremo, a machine learning engineer working at Dell Techonolgies to make ML work in real-life. I previously I worked as a data engineer at Lumin Systems.

I graduated from The German university in Cairo, with a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering with an Excellent with honors grade.

I’ve published a whitepaper describing the features, challenges, and benefits of the demand forecasting machine learning-based solution I worked on at Dell Technologies. I’ve also won the 1st place in Dell Technologies Annual AI Hackathon

In my free time, I play football & go to the gym. Fun fact, My bachelor thesis was about identifying football tactics using machine learning.

Summer 2019, I spent 3 months in the US as a part of culture exchange program called Work and Travel where I worked at Six Flags as a ride operator. (was really fun)!

tremo-mountain Me at the top of Mount Moses, Sinai, Egypt

I’m best reached through LinkedIn. I’m always open to interesting conversations and collaboration.